Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Picture it...little fat mamma and little fat doxie...both of them huffin' and puffin'!

Just got back from taking my little fat (matronly) doxie for a walk. Felt like it should be a couple miles, but I knew it wasn't even a mile. It was so nice outside just had to get out in it. Now we will see how my knee deals with it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Small victories!

Sometimes in life we just need to celebrate the small victories. These are usually the things no one else knows about or even can tell when it is standing all by itself, BUT...if you put enough of these together they really add up and get noticed in a big way.

Today I had one of those small victories. I have this very springy (is that even a word?) yellow top, it buttons down the front and I have always worn it open with a tank. A few weeks ago I didn't have a tank clean to wear under it or atleast not one that went with what I was wearing so I tried it buttoned. Well...that didn't work and it got thrown in the bottom of my closet in disgust. How many mornings have we tried on everything in our closet trying to find something different to wear cuz we are really tired of the same few pieces of fat clothes that actually fit.

And then this morning, it was so sunny and nice out, I wanted to reflect the way the sun was making me feel...so I tried the yellow top again (buttoned) and yes...I washed it and it was hanging neatly taunting me. Guess what? It fit, and it didn't even gap or anything! And I got compliments on it at church too!

Ok, so now the yellow top gets to move to the center of my closet instead of being stuck on the left side. That's where the tight or snug stuff goes! My sunny day just got a little brighter!

Hope you have a sunny day too!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Must be doing something right!

I lost another two pounds! I actually am beginning to think that I can do this.

I am not dieting. D-I-E-T is a bad word! I am really trying to make a life change here. I am keeping track of my calories most of the time until I can do it on auto pilot. Alot of the foods that I eat, I can do that with, but I'll tell ya you can really get into trouble if you take advantage of that too much. It can creep up on you.

I bought the cutest little bamboo bowls from Pampered Chef. They are snack bowls and they hold 1 1/2 cups. They are perfect for my 1 cup serving size of the foods that I eat. It keeps me honest. Now I just need to find adorable little plates in a small size to eat on.

I thought I knew so much about dieting and what I am supposed to do and not supposed to do, I have been doing it since...well...forever! But I have learned sooooo much from the Biggest Loser "6 Weeks to a Healthier You". It is such a good book. Not just dieting and exercise and recipes, although it has all that too, but also on different health issues and what you need to be eating to prevent or turn those conditions around. I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Woohoo...I did it! Lost 10 % of my starting weight! Wow I love making a goal.

Next goal -- 30 pounds lost (4 more)

One step after another... all the way to the finish line!

Monday, April 05, 2010


25 down and 87 to go! That sure sounds daunting, doesn't it?

I think I will just enjoy the 25 pound loss! And happily get rid of the clothes that are now too baggy to be comfortable! Yippee!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Happy Day!

Not only did I finally get back to 239 and kept it there, but this morning I was at 238! Woohoo! I am finally heading towards my next goal which is to lose 10% of my body weight. That is at 236...two pounds to go! Yippee! Then my next goal is 230. That was my weight when I got pregnant with my last baby, some 31 years ago! I have seen it a couple times since then but never stayed long. I once got down to 204 and another time to 212, but could never break the 200 mark. The 230 will be a good launching point for me. Wish me luck!