Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Still aive...I think!

Yep, if anybody out there still cares...I am still around!

This must be one of "those seasons" for all the weightloss blogs and my old pals that battle this demon! What I mean is, most all of my favorite bloggers and friends have not posted in as long or longer than I have. I have not given up! And I hope they have not either!

It seems like none of us are actively fighting the weightloss battle at the present time. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Like me, I quit fighting about May sometime. I put on 7 pounds and have stayed there all summer. Now that it is starting on the hibernation time I know I need to start thinking about getting back at it.

Unfortunately thinking is about all I am doing at this point. My knees and hip are hurting right now and any kind of movement is not a fun option. I am having trouble sleeping with this as well. And as far as eating goes, I am just trying to watch the portions right now as we have my granddaughter and her fiance living with us for awhile and our diet has been modified to accommodate two other people. We don't always share our meals but even still there are fattening foods being cooked and eaten and I have no willpower. If everybody is snacking, then why can't I?

I will try to get back at it soon. I need to get my pseudo tumor cerebri under control tho first as I am carrying about 10-15 pounds of extra fluid ever since I had to take prednisone for 3 days.

I miss hearing from everyone and seeing how you are all doing. It gets me motivated. Maybe we can help each other? Take care all!


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