Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am a slacker!

Ok, You got me! I am sooo bad! I started a challenge with Marci, and was starting back on program, and I have not done either! I feel like pond scum! I have not been over eating but I have not been on program either. I have been paying close attention to how fast I eat, how big of bites I eat, and how well I chew my food. (usually, I am sad to say, only enough to get it down my throat without choking to death) This has been quite an eye opener for me. I am supposed to be putting in 100 minutes of exercise this week. Ooops! Exercise time as of Saturday noon....a Big Whopping Zero! Ok either I am going to be extremely sore by Monday or I won't be sore at all and my head will be hanging in total shame!

Lazy Daisy, thank you for offering to be my butt kicker! I needed it! I have been so busy this last week I really don't know what I was thinking trying to start a challenge this week (the week before Vacation Bible School starts.) I have been at the church every day since the 4th! I am in charge of registration. It gets pretty hectic. I am exhausted and will have to miss my adult class tomorrow in order to have everything ready for Monday. And tomorrow is the day my Mother-in-law picked for a family picnic. Maybe they will let me sleep through it! Yeah, like that will happen. And I have to teach the 3 & 4 year olds tomorrow. (I am only a helper, one Sunday a month!) The teacher is going to be gone tomorrow so I am teaching. I am soooo not a teacher! Good thing I know these kids!

Marci, I am sorry I have not been pulling my weight in our challenge this week, but I have checked in on you! Looks like you are swamped this week too! I think you are making better chooices than me tho! I will be much better after next week! I am going to watch what I am eating this coming week (during VBS) but still won't be tracking my foods due to being so busy. But I should have time for exercise plus I will get lots of added walking in too! Will email you later!

I am going to try to update this poor neglected blog more too. We have been having a family crisis this week too with my Mom's trailer, my ex step-brother and my poor Sister & Brother-in-law. But that is a whole other post for my other blog!

You guys, please don't give up on me, I will come back to blog land , as soon as my real life calms down a bit! Wish me luck on VBS, and for those of you that pray, please pray for all the workers and the kids who are attending this year. Thanks you guys for being patient with me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! great site you have here :)

July 08, 2006 11:51 PM  

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