With dread & trepidation...
Well, I wasn't all too sure that I wanted to weigh in today... this week has been a struggle all the way around. I figured that I could not just give up because of a bad week or I would totally give up and end up adding more weight onto my already bloated, way too soft body! I don't like feeling bad about myself (I am way too praticed at it) and so I pulled myself up and decided good or bad I was still going to weigh in and still continue the fight. Much to my suprise, I had still lost one and a half pounds. True, I should have lost more this week, just because it is only my second week, but I'll take it! It looks far better to just lose 1 1/2 than to gaining the 2-3 I would have next week if I had given up! So, taking everything into account, I am signing last week off as a good week under the circumstances! Have a good week all!
Oh, I almost forgot...I had two goals for this last week, neither of which did I accomplish so I am adding them to this week AGAIN!
drink more water, especially at work.
plan my meals...maybe I should drop this one as I can't do any shopping until Friday...geesh!
drink more water, especially at work.
plan my meals...maybe I should drop this one as I can't do any shopping until Friday...geesh!