Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love Handles Challenge!

Boy I must be a glutton for punishment! Two goals in one week! What's up with that?

I belong to a google group called low carbers in Christ (come check us out) Great group, very active! We are having a challenge that starts today! It is called the Love Handles Challenge! The whole Valentines Day thing!

My goal was to lose 10 pounds by our ending date....March 19th! Five weeks, it is reasonable! Trouble is my body is so shocked that I am walking on the treadmill that it is busy building up all these long dead muscles and I am gaining instead of losing. How long does that last? I really want to make this goal. It will help me to be well on my way to my bigger goal for August 18th.

Gonna pour my heart out here, so if you are squimish...stop reading now! I do not remember being under 200 pounds since my youngest son was two or three years old! He is now twenty eight! This is a huge thing, if I can do it! I have gotton close many times. Usually within 4 or 5 pounds and everything comes to a screeching halt! I need all the help I can get! I do have to say, I was not doing any activity then, as I am now, so I feel I have a better shot at it this time! That's if I quit adding muscle weight...lol!

My attitude is different this time also, thanks to the Lord, and the support of my daughter and friends! Stay tuned for weekly updates! Happy Valentines Day All!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let that intital weight gain from muscle get you down!! It's good thing, muscle burns more fat, it's a wonderful chain reaction--so keep it up!!

February 14, 2006 5:35 PM  
Blogger ...jus me said...

Thank you, I was beginning to think I was making excuses! I know in my head that is what is going on, but guess I just needed to hear it. Thanks Gena!

February 14, 2006 9:40 PM  

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