Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am still here!

Sorry it has been silent on my end, but this week has been full of doctor appointments and tests and takin' care of my husband. He needs to have another back surgery and we are just trying to find a good surgeon around here so we don't have to go to Washington. Unfortunately he is in a lot of pain. He has a piece of his disc actually broken off and lodged in the nerve canal. And yes, it is as painful as it sounds.

I have not been tracking my points the last couple of days, but I am still eating healthy. I have not been on the treadmill but, living in a tri-level and waiting on your husband does have it's benifits with running up and down the stairs. Hauled all the laundry up two sets of stairs too, not to mention, getting ice pacs and heat pads, and pain meds, water, food etc etc etc. And then today was grocery shopping and then had to haul in all the bags which he usually does for me.

That's all for me today, gonna go take my fanny to bed!


Blogger Teena in Toronto said...

Sounds like a busy week. I'm glad you're eating healthy :)

January 14, 2007 3:34 PM  

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