Friday, September 29, 2006

The week that was!

Gosh, it's Friday again already...where did the week go? It's been a big blur to me! I feel kinda disconnected, ya know like I have been doing all these "havto" kinda things all week , and I have missed the whole week! Geez, my house sure looks like it too! Looks like somebody needs to come in and do some excavation just to find the floor.

Part of that is my sweet little kitty. He is worse at knocking things down and dragging things out than all my kids were put together. And I have been too busy this week to do any housework, or laundry. Guess what I get to do tomorrow? My kitten is spending the weekend at the vets as he was nuetered and declawed this morning. Gonna miss him...but I'm gonna take advantage of the time tomorrow to clean and try to get some organization done. And of course laundry!

Sunday, hubby needs to be at church for both services as he is filling in for the usher's coordinator this month. And then and I have a retreat planning meeting between services. Then we both have to be back at 1:00 for a 6 hour growth group training session. I am looking forward to the training because as part of my new job as Growth Group Coordinator, I had the priviledge to be at the coaches meeting when they went over the outline of our training. It looks like it is going to be very informative and a big help to the leaders.

Foodwise, I am doing pretty well. Although today I went over my points and probably used alot of my flex points as well. We went to the chinese buffet. Haven't been there in a long time. I had a lot of veggies, and chicken and shrimp, but you know those great sauces that everything is cooked in...well, who knows what is in that. I do know that I ate too much because it tasted so good. I still have some work to do there. That is the first time I have overeaten in a month, so I don't feel too bad! Guess, I need to get some good healthy chinese recipes. Anybody use any that are weight watcher friendly?

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Blogger ...jus me said...

Thanks Hil, I never got that far. My brain is slow right now, or too clogged up! Story of my life.

September 30, 2006 11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would sell my soul for some weight watching, good tasting Chinese food. Okay, maybe just my cat.

September 30, 2006 5:44 PM  

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