Packing my bags...
For three weeks, I have not worked out...I have not eaten healthy...and I have not blogged about why I am absent or where I stand so far. Nothing. My mom, bless her heart, is very supporting. She understands that working and school are keeping busy from the minute I wake up until the minute I go to sleep. Excuses, Excuses, I know. But it's true. I took too many classes this semester. I would hold off on work...designing blogs...except I am using this employment as internship. I am behind and stressed. My mom she doesn't make me feel guilty...she understands. But everytime she mentions a comment someone left her or a entry she just did, I start counting my frequent flier miles to guiltville. Especially how I lost a half pound more than her this week on the Jessica Simpson-Dippin Dot-Pizza Hut diet this week.
So everyweek I say to myself, I am going to start again this week...swear off the nasties that make my unhealthy. Every week I don't. I can't bear to hear her disappointment and at this point it seems I would be doing it for her and not myself. How do I get back on track? I am too busy to cook, too busy to even shower before midnight. How does one eat well on a schedule like this? I feel like right now it is too much of a chore to have to think about than something I want to enjoy and feel good about.
I am commiting diet suicide. Upon my death, I leave my fat to Jessica Simpson.