Believe me folks, it is time! I have been thinking about this for a long time. Sorry but that is why I have not posted lately. I have been so ashamed of myself. I start something and then a couple days later I am confessing my sins and failures. I would start this idea and that idea, this plan and that plan. Truth is none of them have worked for me. I know what works for me! So why was I searching? I know what plan I will go on when I start working on the food end of things, now however, I have another plan to work on. My very own! I know that if I am exercising and expending all that energy...I am not going to go out and have an ice cream sundae, or sit down with a chocolate bar. Are you kidding me? Exercise is just too hard for me to waste it!
There is something that I have never been able to do, and that is to visualize myself thin. I have never been at my ideal weight, in my adult life. I have, however been at the weight I would eventually like to settle in at. When I was at that weight, I thought I was sooooo fat. I truly hated myself. I thought that was why I had such a hard time socially in high school, when in fact, it was probably that I didn't like myself. You carry yourself much different when you are confident in who you are and comfortable in your own skin. I was not one of those girls.
When I was around 11 or 12, I went to stay a week or two with my sister and brother-in-law. They lived in apartments with a pool. Well, I was just starting to develop and still had the baby fat as well. My brother in law agreed to take me swimming. His buddy and his visiting sister-in-law were swimming also. She was a little older than me and was more into showing off her newfound body (with no baby fat). Of course the guys were noticing. I overheard my brother in law saying that he wished HIS sister in law looked like that, blah blah blah and blah blah blah! For some reason, that is still sticking with me. My brother in law was a DJ for one of the best radio stations at that time, hey if he didn't like me, and we were family, how would anybody ever like me?
Well, I have learned alot since then. And Jack is no longer my brother in law. He was cheating on my sister. Now he is an old man with white! Trouble is his words still ehco in my ears. I am working on that.
The Lord has taught me alot. He doesn't make mistakes. And I am a daughter of the King.
Ok having said's what I am doing starting Friday.
Get up earlier
Take multi-vitamin
drink 64 oz water daily
exercise 20 min each day, or 100 minutes per week!
eat dinner no later than 6:30
go to bed earlier
That is the plan for the next two weeks. I think I am going to be eating alone alot as my hubby does not get home by 6:30 quite often but, if I am going to go to bed earlier, I need to eat earlier.
Wish me luck guys, this is just the first stage of my new life. I am going to be healthier and stronger and more able to live.